Kajikawa K | Research Institute Of Life Science Snow Brand Milk Products Co. Ltd.
Research Institute Of Life Science Snow Brand Milk Products Co. Ltd. | 論文
- Generation of Transgenic Rats with YACs and BACs: Preparation Procedures and Integrity of Microinjected DNA
- Cassette DNA Fragment for Selection and Sexing of Preimplantation Bovine Transgenic Embryos
- 体外受精由来ウシ胚盤胞のガラス化保存においてバイオプシー後の培養時間が融解後の生存性に与える影響
- Clonal Endothelial Cells Produce Humoral Factors that Inhibit Osteoclast-Like Cell Formation In Vitro
- Effects of Burst-promoting Activity and Erythropoietin from Human Urine on Erythroid Burst Forming Units in Human Peripheral Blood(Biological Chemistry)