Tatsumi Kouichi | Fac. Of Agriculture Shinshu Univ. Jpn
Tasai Mariko
Department Of Animal Breeding And Reproductive National Institute Of Livestock And Grassland Science
Tatsumi Kouichi
Fac. Of Agriculture Shinshu Univ. Jpn
Takeda Kumiko
Fac. Of Agriculture Shinshu Univ. Jpn
TAGAMI Takahiro
National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science
National Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science
Tagami T
Division Of Earth And Planetary Sciences Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Nirasawa Keijiro
National Agricultural And Food Res. Organization (naro) Inst. Of Livestock And Grassland Sci. (nilgs) Ibaraki ...
National Agricultural and Food Research Organization (NARO), Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science (NILGS)
Nakamura Yoshiaki
Res. Fellow Of The Japan Soc. For The Promotion Of Sci. Jpn
Tagami Takahiro
National Agricultural And Food Research Organization (naro) Institute Of Livestock And Grassland Science (nilgs)
- Breeding distribution and maternal genetic lineages in Lulu, a dwarf cattle population in Nepal
- Effects of Busulfan Sustained-release Emulsion on Depletion and Repopulation of Primordial Germ Cells in Early Chicken Embryos
- Interspecies Nuclear Transfer Embryos Reconstructed from Cat Somatic Cells and Bovine Ooplasm
- Cryopreservation of Primordial Germ Cells (PGCs) from White Leghorn Embryos Using Commercial Cryoprotectants
- Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Nepalese domestic dwarf cattle Lulu
- Viability and Functionality of Primordial Germ Cells after Freeze-thaw in Chickens
- Constant transmission of mitochondrial DNA in intergeneric cloned embryos reconstructed from swamp buffalo fibroblasts and bovine ooplasm
- Influence of Intergeneric/Interspecies Mitochondrial Injection : Parthenogenetic Development of Bovine Oocytes after Injection of Mitochondria Derived from Somatic Cells
- Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Liver Mitochondrial Proteins Derived from Cloned Adult Pigs Reconstructed with Meishan Pig Fibroblast Cells and European Pig Enucleated Oocytes