Baba Shunsuke | Graduate School Of Dentistry Osaka Dental University
Baba Shunsuke
Graduate School Of Dentistry Osaka Dental University
Matsumoto Naoyuki
Department Of Orthodontics Osaka Dental University
Baba Shunsuke
Department Of Regenerative Medicine Foundation For Biomedical Research And Innovation
Matsumoto Naoyuki
Department Of Biological Safety National Institute For Agro-environmental Sciences
BABA Shunsuke
Department of Oral Implantology, Osaka Dental University
Matsumoto Naoyuki
Department and Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School, Chiba Institute of Technology
Matsumoto Naoyuki
Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
Matsumoto Naoyuki
Department of Orthodontics, Osaka Dental University
BABA Shunsuke
Department of Regenerative Medicine, Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation
Hashimoto Yoshiya
Department Of Biomaterials Osaka Dental University
- Relationship between occlusal force and changes in the temporomandibular joint space observed on magnetic resonance images
- In-vitro assessment of fabric structural composite scaffold applicable to tissue regeneration around implants
- Effectiveness of scaffolds with pre-seeded mesenchymal stem cells in bone regeneration : Assessment of osteogenic ability of scaffolds implanted under the periosteum of the cranial bone of rats
- How changes in the occlusal plane relate to craniofacial growth and development : Skeletal 3 patterns
- Efficacy of bone regeneration using collagen microspheres as scaffold
- Noninvasive Estimation of the Location of the End Plate in the Human Masseter Muscle Using Surface Electromyograms with an Electrode Array
- Bone regeneration efficacy of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in a 3-D woven fabric composite scaffold
- Effects on bone regeneration when collagen model polypeptides are combined with various sizes of alpha-tricalcium phosphate particles