Nakao Satoshi | Institute For Molecular Science
Seki Shu
The Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research
Tagawa Seiichi
The Institute Of Scientific And Industrial Research
TERO Ryugo
Institute for Molecular Science
Nakao Satoshi
Institute For Molecular Science
UNO Hidetaka
Institute for Molecular Science
TAGAWA Seiichi
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
Urisu Tsuneo
Institute for Molecular Science
Zhang Zheng
The Graduate University For Advanced Studies
Urisu Tsuneo
Insti. Mol. Sci. Dept. Vacuum Uv Photosci
SUZUI Mitsukazu
Institute for Molecular Science
- Noise Analysis of Si-Based Planar-Type Ion-Channel Biosensors
- Si-Based Planer Type Ion-channel Biosensors
- Noise Analysis of Si-Based Planar-Type Ion-Channel Biosensors