Baba Nobuhiro | Research Institute
Baba Nobuhiro
Research Institute, Research Center
Baba Nobuhiro
Research Institute
Ikeda Hideo
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
Ikeda Hideo
Research Institute, Research Center
Baba N
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
Kidoguchi Hidenori
Research Institute
Yamamoto Norio
Research Institute, Research Center
Yamamoto Norio
Research Institute Research Center
Yamamoto Norio
Research Institute
The University of Tokyo
- Some Consideration for the Damage of Exhaust Gas Economizers Caused by Soot-fires
- Sound Power Determination Method for Large Scale Sound Sources
- PrimeShip-NOISE: Noise Prediction Program of Ship : Cabin Noise Prediction Program KNOISE
- Predicting Stern Tube Conditions by Used Oil Analyses
- A Basic Study on Life Assessment of Ships and Offshore Structures
- Collective Measurements in Pure Car Carriers at Sea : Analyses of Measurement Results and Strength of the Propeller Blade
- Investigation about Measurement of Exhaust Emissions from Marine Diesel Engines
- Research into the Characteristics of Fatigue Strength of High-Strength Crankshafts
- Sound Power Measurement of Noise Source by Sound Intensity Technology
- Development of an Integrated System to Assist in the Plan Approval Work of the Society