Nagao Koji | 東北大学 農学研究科生体分子機能学
東北大学 農学研究科生体分子機能学 | 論文
- Dietary Soy Protein Isolate and Its Undigested High Molecular Fraction Upregulate Hepatic ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter G5 and ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter G8 mRNA and Increase Biliary Secretion of Cholesterol in Rats
- Comparison of Effects of Dietary Unesterified and Esterified Plant Sterols on Cholesterol Absorption in Rats
- Cholesterol Esterase Bound to Intestinal Brush Border Membranes Does Not Accelerate Incorporation of Micellar Cholesterol into Absorptive Cells(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Missense Mutation in Abcg5 in SHRSP Rats Does Not Accelerate Intestinal Absorption of Plant Sterols: Comparison with Wistar Rats
- Hydrolysis of Micellar Phosphatidylcholine Accelerates Cholesterol Absorption in Rats and Caco-2 Cells