鈴木 章 | Pharmaceuticals Research Center, Kanebo, Ltd.
鈴木 章
Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Laboratory Kanebo Co. Ltd.
三羽 信比古
Pharmaceuticals Research Center Kanebo Ltd.
鈴木 章
Pharmaceuticals Research Center, Kanebo, Ltd.
小畑 雄司
Pharmaceuticals Research Center Kanebo Ltd.
山下 明
高柳 博一
Pharmaceuticals Research Center Kanebo Ltd.
沢田 照夫
Pharmaceuticals Research Center Kanebo Ltd.
山下 明
Pharmaceuticals Research Center, Kanebo, Ltd.
山下 明
Pharmaceuticals Research Center Kanebo Ltd.
- Isoelectric Points of Two Molecular Forms of Human Urinary Urokinase determined by Density-gradient Isoelectric Focusing and Isotachoelectrophoresis
- Alteration of Polypeptide Backbone Structure as determined by Circular Dichroic Spectral Analysis in Relation to Change of Plasminogen Activator Activity of Two Forms of Human Urinary Urokinase denatured with Guanidine Hydrochloride
- Comparative Studies on Two Active Enzyme Forms of Human Urinary Urokinase. II. pH- and Heat-stabilities of Plasminogen Activator Activity
- Comparative Studies on Two Active Enzyme Forms of Human Urinary Urokinase. I. Purification by Serial Column Chromatography and Homogeneity Analyses of Molecular Weight and Isoelectric Point