Tanaka Osamu | Laboratory of Applied Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Tanaka Osamu
Laboratory of Applied Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
Tanaka Osamu
Laboralory Of Applied Botany Facully Of Agriculture Kyoto University
Takimoto Atsushi
Laboratory Of Applied Botany Faculty Of Agriculture
鎌田 喜一郎
Takimoto Atsushi
Laboratory of Experimental Biology
Nasu Yutaka
Department of Public Health, Shinshu University School of Medicine
Kugimoto Mamoru
Department of Public Health, Shinshu University School of Medicine
Nasu Yutaka
Department Of Public Health Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Nasu Yutaka
Department Of Public Health Faculty Of Medicine Shinshu University
Nasu Yutaka
Department Of Public Health Nagano Nursing College
- pH Dependence of the Copper Effect on Flowering, Growth and Chlorophyll Content in Lemna paucicostata 6746
- Absorption of Copper by Lemna as Influenced by Some Factors Which Nullify the Copper Effect on Flowering and Growth
- Influence of Ammoniun on the Ability of Salicylic Acid to Induce Flowering in the Short-Day Plant Lemna paucicostata 6746
- Effects of the photoperiod on growth of the bamboo grass, Pleioblastus variegatus
- Effects of some SH-inhibitors and EDTA on flowering in Lemna perpusilla 6746
- Flower-promoting effect of some amino acids and amides in Lemna paucicostata 6746