Sakano Yuichi | Division Of Food National Institute Of Health Sciences
Division Of Food National Institute Of Health Sciences | 論文
- Effect of Oral Administration of CpG ODN-OVA on WBB6F1-W/W^v Mice
- The Hyperresponsiveness of W/W^v Mice to Oral Sensitization Is Associated with a Decrease in TCRγδ-T Cells(Biochemistry/Molecular Biology)
- The Feeding of β-Carotene Down-Regulates Serum IgE Levels and Inhibits the Type I Allergic Response in Mice(Highlighted paper selected By Editor-in-chief)(Analytical Biochemistry)
- Constituents of Laurus nobilis L. inhibit recombinant human lanosterol synthase
- Inhibition of Human Lanosterol Synthase by the Constituents of Colocasia esculenta (Taro)(Pharmacognosy)