Yamaguchi Keiichiro | Department Of Radiology Sendai Kousei Hospital
Yanai K
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Yamaguchi Keiichiro
Department Of Radiology Sendai Kousei Hospital
Yamaguchi Keiichiro
東北大学 医学系研究科障害科学専攻高次機能障害学
Yamaguchi K
Division Of Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Yanai Kazuhiko
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Katayama Yasuo
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Kimura Yuichi
国立循環器病センター研究所 放射線医学部
Yanai Kazuhiko
Department Of Pharmacology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kimura Yasuyuki
Department Of Nuclear Medicine And Tracer Kinetics Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Katayama Y
Department Of Neurology Nephrology And Rheumatology Nippon Medical School
- Binding and safety profile of novel benzoxazole derivative for in vivo imaging of amyloid deposits in Alzheimer's disease
- Long-term performance evaluation of positron emission tomography : analysis and proposal of a maintenance protocol for long-term utilization
- Evaluation of the Binding Characteristics of [5-^11C-methoxy]Donepezil in the Rat Brain for In Vivo Visualization of Acetylcholinesterase
- Decreased striatal D_2 receptor density associated with severe behavioral abnormality in Alzheimer's disease
- Brain Imaging of Respiratory Overloads(Human PSI Forum "Human Potential Science" Internationl Forum「潜在能力の科学」国際フォーラム : 物理・生理学的アプローチ Joint with 「こころと体の不思議」国際フォーラム 第14回生命情報科学シンポジウム(国際版) 2002年8月22〜27日(木〜火) 於 : 千葉市 幕張新都心 OVTA(オブタ))
- Evaluation of resting brain conditions measured by two different methods (i.v. and oral administration) with ^ F-FDG-PET
- Use of reference tissue models for quantification of histamine H_1 receptors in human brain by using positron emission tomography and [^C]doxepin
- An experimental study on O-[^F]fluoromethyl-L-tyrosine for differentiation between tumor and inflammatory tissues
- Selective cognitive dysfunction in mice lacking histamine H1 and H2 receptors
- 2-7 Brain Histamine H1 Receptor Occupancy of Orally-administered Antihistamines, Measured by PET with 11C-doxepin(Proceedings of the 56th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)