Yamaguchi Keiichiro | Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
- 同名の論文著者
- Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku Universityの論文著者
Yamaguchi Keiichiro
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Itoh Masatoshi
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Division of Nuclear Medicine, Cyclotron Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University
ITOH Masatoshi
Division of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine, Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University
Yamaguchi Keiichiro
東北大学 医学系研究科障害科学専攻高次機能障害学
Yamaguchi K
Division Of Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Itoh Masatoshi
Tohoku Univ. Miyagi Jpn
Itoh M
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Itoh Masatoshi
Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
Yanai K
Division Of Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Cyclotron And Radioisotope Center Tohoku University
- Decreased striatal D_2 receptor density associated with severe behavioral abnormality in Alzheimer's disease
- Brain Imaging of Respiratory Overloads(Human PSI Forum "Human Potential Science" Internationl Forum「潜在能力の科学」国際フォーラム : 物理・生理学的アプローチ Joint with 「こころと体の不思議」国際フォーラム 第14回生命情報科学シンポジウム(国際版) 2002年8月22〜27日(木〜火) 於 : 千葉市 幕張新都心 OVTA(オブタ))
- Evaluation of resting brain conditions measured by two different methods (i.v. and oral administration) with ^ F-FDG-PET
- Muscle activity during a dash shown by ^F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography
- FDG-PET imaging of lower extremity muscular activity during level walking
- Functional brain mapping of actual car-driving using [^F]FDG-PET