Kishi Katsuyuki | Japan Pulp And Paper Research Institute Inc.
Kishi Katsuyuki
Japan Pulp and Paper Research Institute, Inc.
Kishi Katsuyuki
Japan Pulp And Paper Research Institute Inc.
Faculty of Environmental and Symbiotic Sciences, Prefectural University of Kumamoto
Kitagawa Emiko
Health Technology Research Center (htrc) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Techn
Arizono Koji
Faculty Of Environment Studies Nagasaki University
Iwahashi Hitoshi
Health Technology Research Center (htrc) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Techn
Iwahashi Hitoshi
Health Technology Research Center (htrc) National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Iwahashi Yumiko
National Food Research Institute (nfri)
Iwahashi Yumiko
National Food Research Institute (nfri) National Food Research Institute National Agriculture And Fo
Human Stress Signal Research Center (HSS), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Tec
- DNA microarray analysis suggests that zinc pyrithione causes iron starvation to the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Application of Yeast DNA Microarray to Evaluate the Environmental Risk of Leachate and the Treated Leachate of Waste Disposal Site
- Acute Toxicity Responses of Two Crustaceans, Americamysis bahia and Daphnia magna, to Endocrine Disrupters