山田 厚 | Tokyo Biochemical Research Institute
山田 厚
Tokyo Biochemical Research Institute
岡田 正志
石館 守三
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tokyo
石館 守三
山田 厚
Iatrochemical Institute Of Pharmacological Research Foundation
岡田 正志
Iatrochemical Institute of Pharmacological Research Foundation
石館 守三
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences University Of Tokyo
岡田 正志
Tokyo Biochemical Research Institute
斉藤 行生
Tokyo Biochemical Research Institute
蓮沼 美恵子
Tokyo Biochemical Research Institute
岡田 正志
Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty, University of Tokyo
山田 厚
Pharmazeutisches Institut Universitat Tokyo
- Studies on Synthesis of Epoxides of Anhydrocardenolides and on Their Cleavage. II. Synthesis of Epoxides of Anhydrogitoxigenins and Their Cleavage.
- The Structure of Diginatigenin
- Bioconversion of Cardiac Aglycones by Gibberella saubinettii (MONT.) SACC
- 3-Epioleandrigeninと3-Epigitoxigenin
- Digitalis purpurea L.種子中の一成分