TANAKA Satoshi | Physical Laboratory, Faculty of Science, University of Kinki
TANAKA Satoshi
Physical Laboratory, Faculty of Science, University of Kinki
Tanaka Satoshi
Physical Laboratory Faculty Of Science And Technology Kinki University
Tanaka S
Kobe Univ. Kobe Jpn
TANAKA Satoshi
Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology, Kinki University
TANAKA Shun-Ichi
Faculty of Human Development, Division of Sciences for Natural Environment Kobe University
Naya Shigeo
Faculty Of Science Kwansei Gakuin University
NAYA Shigeo
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science Kwansei Gakuin University
TANAKA Satoshi
Physical Laboratory, Faculty of Science and Technology Kinki University
Sandhya R.
School Of Physics University Of Hyderabad
Tanaka Sho
Atomic Energy Research Institute Nihon University
- On the X-Ray Diffuse Scattering by Molecular Crystals
- Necessity of a New Counter Term for Fermionic Theory with Yukawa Coupling in Stochastic Quantization : Particles and Fields
- Orientational Phase Transition in a Two-Dimensional Molecular Crystal with Random Pairwise Interactions
- Orientational Phase Transitions of Dumbbell-Shaped Molecules Arranged on Decorated Square and Kagome Lattices