Hirata Akimasa | Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Hirata Akimasa
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Laakso Ilkka
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Fujiwara Osamu
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Chan Kwok
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Hanatani Ryuto
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Hirata A
Osaka Univ. Suita‐shi Jpn
Hirata Akimasa
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Fujiwara Osamu
Nagoya Institute of Technology
- FDTD modeling of current induced in human body due to electrostatic discharge (環境電磁工学)
- FDTD simulation of temperature elevation in rabbit eye due to microwave energy (環境電磁工学)
- Temperature Elevation in Rabbit Eye Irradiated by 2.45-GHz Exposure Systems
- Formula for estimating whole-body average SAR in human models due to plane-wave exposure at resonance frequency (環境電磁工学)
- Influence of average mass of SAR on the correlation with temperature elevation due to a dipole antenna (環境電磁工学)
- Efficiency Enhancement in a Rectangular Cherenkov Laser by a Proper Variation of Dielectric Permittivity in the Transverse Direction
- Electric Field Induced in Retina and Brain at Threshold Magnetic Flux Density Causing Magnetophosphenes
- Electric Field Induced in Retina and Brain at Threshold Magnetic Flux Density Causing Magnetophosphenes
- Electric field induced in retina and brain at threshold magnetic flux density causing magnetophosphenes (エレクトロニクスシミュレーション)
- Temperature increase in the human body for simultaneous exposure to environmental heat and solar radiation