三村 泰彦 | Department of Hospital Pharmacy Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
三村 泰彦
古林 伸二郎
木村 正康
Inaba Kazuhiko
Department Of Chemical Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toyama Medical And Pharmaceut
Inaba Kazuhiko
北陸大学 薬 薬理
三村 泰彦
Department of Hospital Pharmacy Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Kimura I
Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Univ. Toyama Jpn
Kimura Ikuko
Department Of Chemical Pharmacology Faculty Of Phrmaceutical Sciemes Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutic
Kimura I
Department Of Ophthalmology Keio University School Of Medicine
Kimura Ikuko
Department Of Chemical Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toyama Medical And Pharmaceut
堀越 勇
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
木村 郁子
Department of Chemical Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmace
木村 正康
Department of Chemical Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmace
三村 泰彦
古林 伸二郎
Department of Chemical Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toyama Medical and Pharmaceu
岡部 素典
富山医科薬科大学 薬学部 薬品作用学
堀越 勇
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
能登谷 浩平
Chemical Pharmacology Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
岡部 素典
Department of Chemical Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toyama Medical and Pharmaceu
古林 伸二郎
Chemical Pharmacology Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
岡部 素典
Chemical Pharmacology Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
木村 郁子
Chemical Pharmacology Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
木村 正康
Chemical Pharmacology Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
内藤 剛
Department of Chemical Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmace
内藤 剛
Department Of Chemical Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Toyama Medical And Pharmaceut
- Anti-competence Effects of Synthetic Phthalide Derivatives on Platelet-Derived Growth Factor-Induced DNA Synthesis in Primary Cultures of Rat Aorta Smooth Muscle Cells
- Activation by α_1-Adrenergic Agonists of the Progression Phase in the Proliferation of Primary Cultures of Smooth Muscle Cells in Mouse and Rat Aorta
- The Structure-Activity Relationship between Synthetic Butylidenephthalide Derivatives Regarding the Competence and Progression of Inhibition in Primary Cultures Proliferation of Mouse Aorta Smooth Muscle Cells