ONO Atsuo | College of Liberal Arts,Kobe University
Sasao Noboru
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Daigo Motomasa
Wakayama Medical College
Homma Yasuhiro
School of Applied Medical Science, Kobe University
HOSHI Yoshimoto
Department of Applied Physics,Tohoku-Gakuin University
KOSEKI Tadashi
Institute of Applied Physics,University of Tsukuba
ONO Atsuo
College of Liberal Arts,Kobe University
SAKAE Hisaharu
Graduate School of Science and Technology,Kobe University
Institute of Applied Physics,University of Tsukuba
Haba Junji
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Higuchi Masato
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku Gakuin University
- New Limits on Neutral Scalar Bosons
- Measurement of the Reactions e^+e^-→e^+e^- and e^+e^-→γγ at √=52 GeV
- Search for the Top Quark in e^+e^- Annihilation at √=50 GeV:The First Result from the VENUS Detector at TRISTAN
- Search for the Top Quark in $e^{+}e^{-}$ Annihilation at $\sqrt{s}{=}50$ GeV: The First Result from the VENUS Detector at TRISTAN