TATARENKO Irina | Research and Education Center of Population Biology, Moscow State Pedagogical University
- 同名の論文著者
- Research and Education Center of Population Biology, Moscow State Pedagogical Universityの論文著者
Research and Education Center of Population Biology, Moscow State Pedagogical University
Tatarenko Irina
Research And Education Center Of Population Biology Moscow Pedagogic State University
Tatarenko Irina
Research and Education Center of Biodiversity and Ecology, Moscow Pedagogical State University, Kibalchicha 6, kor.5, Moscow, Russia
Kondo Katsuhiko
Laboratory of Plant Genetics and Breeding Science, Department of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture
Kondo Katsuhiko
Laboratory Of Plant Chromosome And Gene Stock Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
Kulikov Pavel
Botanical Garden Ural Division Russian Academy Of Sciences
Botanical Garden, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences
Kondo K
Lab. Plant Chromosome Gene Stock Fac. Sci. Hiroshima Univ.
Kondo Katsuhiko
Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Kokubugata G
Tsukuba Botanical Garden National Science Museum
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