小室 徹雄 | Department Of Pharmacy Kyoto University Hospital
小室 徹雄
Department Of Pharmacy Kyoto University Hospital
北澤 式文
Department of Pharmacy, Kyoto University Hospital
瀬崎 仁
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
瀬崎 仁
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
池田 桂子
Research Laboratory Morishita Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
瀬崎 仁
北澤 式文
来住 弘美
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
小室 徹雄
来住 弘美
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
北澤 式文
Hospital Pharmacy of Kyoto University
- Effect of 5-n-Butyl-1-cyclohexyl-2,4,6-trioxoperhydropyrimidine on the Sulfonamides Transfer in the Rat
- 研究室に設置可能な小形動物飼育器
- Effect of Fasting on Body Fluids and Intestinal Drug Absorption in Rats
- Electrophoretic Investigations of Blood Serum in Fasted Rats
- Volume of Blood Plasma and Intestinal Drug Absorption in the Fasted Rat
- fasting and the Volume of Drug Distribution in the Rats
- Effect of Fasting and Antineoplastic Agents on the Intestinal Absorption of Drugs in the Rats