大和田 紘一 | 東大海洋研
大和田 紘一
Ohwada Kouichi
Prefectural Univ. Kumamoto Kumamoto Jpn
Ohwada Kouichi
Ocean Research Institute University Of Tokyo
Ohwada Koichi
Faculty Of Environmental And Symbiotic Sciences Prefectural University Of Kumamoto
大和田 紘一
Ohwada K
Ohwada Kouichi
Faculty Of Environmental And Symbiotic Sciences Prefectural University Of Kumamoto
大和田 紘一
Faculty of Environmental and Symbiotic Sciences, Prefectural University of Kumamoto
大和田 紘一
大和田 紘一
- C-225 FISH法による東京湾海水中微生物群集の解析(遺伝子解析など-3、群集構造解析-4,ポスター発表)
- 石油および石油と分散型油処理剤添加後にみられた中規模半閉鎖型海洋生態系における植物プランクトン群集の遷移
- 低濃度の石油が混入した実験的閉鎖生態系における海洋細菌群集の変動
- B-38 変性剤勾配ゲル電気泳動法(DGGE法)を用いた閉鎖的実験生態系における石油および分散剤の微生物群集に与える影響(群集構造解析,口頭発表)
- Bioremediation of organically enriched sediment deposited below fish farms with artificially mass-cultured colonies of a deposit-feeding polychaete Capitella sp. I
- PB-22 The succession of microbial community in the fish-farm sediment during bioremediation by introducing artificially mass-cultured colonies of a small polychaete, Capitella sp. I(Monitoring,Poster presentation B)
- PB-21 Mutual relationship between the capitellid polychate, Capitella sp. I and sediment bacteria : application of the two organisms for the treatment of organically enriched marine sediment below fish farm(Monitoring,Poster presentation B)
- Effects of sodium sulfide on burrowing activity of Capitella sp. I and bacterial respiratory activity in seawater soft-agar microcosms
- Visual assessment of the respiring microorganisms associated with burrow structures of Capitella sp. I in seawater soft-agar microcosms
- Treatment of the Organically Enriched Sediment below the Fish Farm with the Biological Activities of Artificially Mass-Cultured Colonies of a Small Deposit Feeding Polychaete, Capitella sp. I