LEE KUNG-TA | Department of Biotechnology The University of Tokyo
Department of Biotechnology The University of Tokyo | 論文
- S19159, a Modulator of Neurite Outgrowth Produced by the Ascomycete Preussia aemulans II. Structure Elucidation
- Presentation of Exogenous Antigen by Macrophages But Not by Spleen Cells Is Inhibited by Leupeptin and Antipain
- Effects of Microbial Products on Glucose Consumption and Morphology of Macrophages
- Melastin, a Novel Product of Streptomyces That Selectively Inhibits Leukemia Cell Growth
- S19159, a Modulator of Neurite Outgrowth Produced by the Ascomycete Preussia aemulans I. Producing Strain, Fermentation, Isolation and Biological Activity