The Physical Society of Japan | 論文
- Secondary-Structure Design of Proteins by a Backbone Torsion Energy
- Test of the Theoretical Model for the Improved Confinement in Helical Plasmas
- On the Basis of Statistical Theory of Strong Turbulence in Inhomogeneous Plasmas
- Photocarrier Injection to Transition Metal Oxides
- High Pressure Effects on Superconductivity in the .BETA.-Pyrochlore Oxides AOs2O6 (A=K, Rb, Cs)
- Ferromagnetic Ising Spin Chains Emerging from the Spin Ice under Magnetic Field
- Possible Anisotropic Order Parameter in Pyrochlore Superconductor KOs2O6 Probed by Muon Spin Rotation
- Efficiency of Photocarrier Injection in a VO2/TiO2:Nb Heterostructure
- Retraction: "Unprecedented Superconductivity in β-Pyrochlore Osmate KOs2O6" J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 73 (2004) 1651
- New .BETA.-Pyrochlore Oxide Superconductor CsOs2O6
- Temperature Dependence of Relaxation Time of Water in NaCl Aqueous Solution by Low-Frequency Raman Spectroscopy.
- Doubly Enhanced Skyrmions in .UPSILON.=2 Bilayer Quantum Hall States.
- Raman Scattering from Interface Phonons in GaInP/AlInP Superlattice.
- Nonlinear Waves along a Magnetic Field in a Multi-Ion-Species Plasma.
- The Spin Dynamics of the 3D.+-.J Ising Spin Glass Model in High Temperature Region.
- Evidence for Multimagnon-Mediated Nuclear Spin Relaxation in the Intertwining Double-Chain Ferrimagnet Ca3Cu3(PO4)4
- Theoretical Study of Structures of Solid Oxygen under High Pressure.
- Stiffness of the Heisenberg Spin-Glass Model at Zero- and Finite-Temperatures in Three Dimensions.
- Critical Level Statistics in Two-Dimensional Disordered Electron Systems.
- Phase Separation and Collective Excitations of Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates in Traps.