The Japan Laryngological Association | 論文
- Two Cases of Associated Laryngeal Paralysis Caused by Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Reactivation
- Conservation Treatment for T1·T2 Carcinoma of the Larynx
- A Case of a Foreign Body of the Larynx Removed by Thyrotomy
- Initial Thyroplasty Type I in Conjunction with Thyroid Cancer
- Processes of Denervation and Reinnervation in the Rat Thyroarytenoid Muscle
- Voice-Related Quality of Life after Treatment for Laryngeal Cancer
- A Case of Palato-Pharyngo-Laryngeal Myoclonus
- Vocalization Induced by Electrical Brainstem Stimulation in Ketamine Anesthetized Cats:An Experimental Model for Vocalization
- Two Cases of Laryngeal Web Treated by Silicon Plate Detention in Laryngomicrosurgery
- The Surgical Treatment of Laryngeal Trauma
- Endoscopic Mode for Three-Dimensional CT Display of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Palsy-Assessment of Thyroplasty Type I-
- Reinnervation of the Arytenoid Muscle after Unilateral Denervation
- Radiographic Analysis of Vocal Folds Movement during Phonation by Digital Fluorography:Comparison of Vocal Initiation between Modal Register Phonation and Vocal Fry Phonation
- Surgical Treatment for Vocal Cord Defect Caused by Laser Cordectomy. A Case Report
- An Aerodynamic Study of Tracheoesophageal Speech
- A Study of Laryngeal Diseases Requiring Airway Management at Emergency Medical Care Center
- Clinical Observations on Patients with Laryngopharyngoesophageal Foreign Bodies
- Neuromonitoring by Endotracheal Tube with Electrodes in Thyroid Surgery
- Distribution of Lymphatic Vessels in Normal Larynx and Expression Patterns of Laminin Gamma 2 in Laryngeal Cancer
- Use of Personal Computers in Laryngeal Examination