The Japan Laryngological Association | 論文
- Reinnervation of Long Term Denervated Thyroarytenoid Muscle by the Nerve-muscle Pedicle Transplantation
- Computed Tomography in Determining the T Stage of Laryngeal Carcinoma
- Acoustic Parameters in Normal Subjects
- Newly Developed Material (RTV-Silastic) for Intracordal Injection
- Affinity of the Laryngeal Tissue for Androgen Hormon
- Distribution of capillaries in the intrinsic laryngeal muscles in rats
- Expression of Type N Collagen and Laminin in the Basement Membrane Surrounding the Cancer Nest of Supraglottic Carcinomas:Its Relation to p53 Expression and Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Infection
- タイトル無し
- Acute Epiglottitis and Epiglottic Abscess : Varying Risk of Airway Obstruction
- A Retrospective Study of Emergency Tracheotomy
- A Case of Laryngeal Paraganglioma
- Proliferating Activity in the Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen of Human Laryngeal Carcinoma
- A Study on Cricothyroid Muscle Activities During Carbon Dioxide Inhalation
- Valuation of Proliferating Activity of Laryngeal Carcinoma. Using anti Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Antibody
- Examination of Dysphonia and Acid Reflux in Sleep Disorder Patients
- Laryngeal Allergy:A Case Report
- Hoarseness as the Initial Symptom of Adult T Cell Leukemia:Report of a Case
- Leiomyosarcoma of the Larynx-A Case Report-
- Histopathological Study of the Residual Larynx after Supracricoid Hemilaryngopharyngectomy (SCHLP)
- Clinical Study of Non-specific Laryngeal Granulomas