Optical Society of America | 論文
- Effect of high-dimensional entanglement of Laguerre-Gaussian modes in parametric downconversion
- Formulas for TE_0 cutoff in optical fibers with arbitrary index profile
- Third-order dispersion in a passively mode-locked continuous-wave dye laser
- Slow light with low dispersion and nonlinear enhancement in a lattice-shifted photonic crystal waveguide
- A wavelength-selective add-drop switch using silicon microring resonator with a submicron-comb electrostatic actuator
- Snapshot imaging Mueller matrix polarimeter using polarization gratings
- Focusing of light by negative refraction in photonic crystal slab superlens on SOI substrate
- Reflection and transmission of light in multilayers perturbed by picosecond strain pulse propagation
- Optimum length of multimode optical branching waveguide for reducing its mode dependence
- Optical-vortex laser ablation
- Optical cross-connect circuit using hitless wavelength selective switch
- Room temperature continuous wave operation and controlled spontaneous emission in ultrasmall photonic crystal nanolaser
- Refractive index sensing utilizing a cw photonic crystal nanolaser and its array configuration
- High-efficiency photonic crystal microlaser integrated with a passive waveguide
- Experimental demonstration of wideband dispersion-compensated slow light by a chirped photonic crystal directional coupler
- Experimental observation of slow light in photonic crystal coupled waveguides
- Low-group-velocity and low-dispersion slow light in photonic crystal waveguides
- Large delay-bandwidth product and tuning of slow light pulse in photonic crystal coupled waveguide
- Fabrication and characterization of chalcogenide glass photonic crystal waveguides
- Stopping of light by the dynamic tuning of photonic crystal slow light device