Optical Society of America | 論文
- Intracavity femtosecond-pulse compression with the addition of highly nonlinear organic materials
- Fraction estimation of small, dense LDL using autocorrelation function of dynamic light scattering
- Femtosecond-pulse laser chirp compensated by cavity-mirror dispersion
- Picosecond gain spectroscopy of a laser dye during mode-locked laser action
- Continuous-wave alexandrite laser pumped by a direct-current mercury arc lamp
- Channeled spectropolarimetry using a coherent white-light continuum
- Stabilization of a channeled spectropolarimeter by self-calibration
- Fabrication and properties of metalo-dielectric photonic crystal structures for infrared spectral region
- Direct observation of Gouy phase shift in a propagating optical vortex
- Effect of delayed nonlinear response on femtosecond optical pulse compression by use of an organic crystal-cored fiber in the normal dispersion region
- Wavelet-transform analysis of spectral shearing interferometry for phase reconstruction of femtosecond optical pulses
- Polarization-independent optical directional coupler based on slot waveguides
- Spherical shell structure of distribution of images reconstructed by diffractive imaging
- Maximum entropy method for diffractive imaging
- Raman lasing and cascaded coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering of a two-phonon Raman band
- Ultrabroadband spectral amplitude modulation using a liquid crystal spatial light modulator with ultraviolet-to-near-infrared bandwidth
- Multi-channel notch filter based on a phase-shifted phase-only sampled fiber Bragg graing
- Reflection equalization of the simultaneous dispersion and dispersion-slope compensator based on a phase-only sampled fiber Bragg grating
- Optical pulse compression to 3.4 fs in the monocycle region by feedback phase compensation
- Theory of ultrabroadband optical pulse generation by induced phase modulation in a gas-filled hollow waveguide