Editorial Board of Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica | 論文
- Morphology of Accessory Sex Organs from Neonatally DES- and DES-dp-injected Mouse
- The Golgi Apparatus and Acid Phosphatase-negative Cisternal Portions of the Trans-golgi Network: Ultrastructural and Cytochemical Studies of Secretory Epithelial Cells in the Rat Lateral Prostate
- Effect of Aging on the Expression of iNOS and Cell Death in the Mouse Cochlear Spiral Ganglion
- The Preservation of Fine Structure by Use of Dimethylsuberimidate as a Fixative
- Morphological and Architectural Aspects of the Abductor digiti minimi
- Three Cases of Defect of the Left Common Carotid Artery in the Rabbit
- Anatomical Organization of Thalamic Projections to the First Somatic Sensory Cortex in the Cat
- Experimentelle histologische Untersuchung uber die Struktur der Lungenalveolen des Kaninchens, insbesondere uber die Auskleidungsepithelzellen der Alveolenwand.
- A Contribution to the Histological Study of the Alveoli of the Human Lung
- Presence of Filaments in the Nonciliated Bronchiolar Epithelial (Clara) Cell of Mammalian Lung
- Morphological Investigation of the Peripheral Distribution of Cutaneous Nerves in the Upper Extremity
- Sudan Black B Stain with Paraffin Sections in Early Tooth Germ
- Effects of Methylmercuric Chloride on Palate Closure in Mice
- An Electron Microscope Study of Spinal and Rubral Fiber-Recipient Regions in the Inferior Olive of the Cat
- Shape and Size of the Transverse Foramina in Japanese
- Scanning Electron Microscopy of Elastic System Fibers in the Articular Disc of the Rat Mandibular Joint
- Morphological changes characteristic of pregnancy in the uterine luminal epithelium during the preimplantation period in the mouse
- An Autopsy Case of Horseshoe Kidney
- Close Association of Peptidergic Nerves with Lymphocytes in Canine and Monkey Ileal Villi
- Distribution and Development of Taste Buds on the Incisive Papillae of Mice and Rats