順天堂医学会 | 論文
- Local Anesthetic Infiltration of the Wound for Postoperative Pain Management in Pediatric Cases
- 原因の鑑別に苦慮した甲状腺中毒症の1例
- 結節性動脈周囲炎の1例
- 水泳選手の心肺機能について-1-
- 水泳選手の心肺機能について-2-
- Diffusion MR Imaging of White Matter Pathways:Visualization and Quantitative Evaluation
- 胸腺腫,甲状腺機能亢進症を伴った重症筋無力症の1治療例
- 骨髄から末梢血への造血幹細胞動員機構 (特集 診療・研究の最前線(3))
- Therapeutic Targeting of Microenvironmental Interactions in Leukemia : Mechanisms and Approaches
- Podocyte Cell Biology update : Understanding the Formation of Podocyte Structure in Health and Disease
- Podocyte Cell Biology Update:Understanding the Formation of Podocyte Structure in Health and Disease
- 末梢神経疾患 (末梢神経筋疾患(特集))
- ハイリスクな高齢者に発症した下行大動脈瘤切迫破裂の1例
- Faculty Development of Oncology Experts
- Challenges for Future Cancer Research:Complete Cure, Prevention, and Living with Cancer - Cancer Research in Collaboration with Patients and Society
- 酸性ムコ多糖代謝の臨床生化学的研究--特に動脈硬化症との関連について
- Disaster Medicine Education and Training for Medical Student at Juntendo University
- Preparedness for Disasters in Juntendo University Shizuoka Hospital
- メチラポン投与中, 頭痛を主訴に下垂体腺腫卒中を引き起こした Cushing 病の1例
- The Relationship Between the Perioperative Transition of Serum Anticholinergic Activity and Postoperative Delirium in Patients Undergoing Esophagectomy and Gastrectomy