社団法人 日本分光学会 | 論文
- スペクトロスコピ-の裁判化学への応用
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- Spectrochemical Analysis of Impurities in Carbon and Graphite Materials:(1) Quantitative Spectrochemical Analysis of Vanadium
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- シンクロトロン放射分光学-2-固体分光実験
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- 電磁場内の原子・分子の基礎理論
- CaF2 window developed for ultra-high vacuum system.
- ガス中のスパーク放電-4-電極現象
- Flame Photometric Determination of Alkali Elements in Raw Materials and By-product of Blast Furnace
- 金属蒸気の精密分散・吸収分光法--衝突誘起吸収の測定への応用
- Spectroscopic Analyris of the Impurities in Alumina
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- Evaluation of a new secondary ion optics for the secondary ion microscope.
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- 鋳鉄中の微量セリウムの螢光X線分析
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