日本高圧力学会 | 論文
- Volume Phase Transition of Polymeric Gel.
- 高圧処理の無菌化食品への利用
- Materials with Fullerene-Related Structures.
- Shock Synthesis of Diamond.
- Introduction to the Feature Articles
- Gasket: the base of diamond anvil technique.
- 放射光を用いた高圧X線実験の発展と地球深部構造の研究 (特集 放射光高圧力科学30年)
- Feature Articles on Earth Science. Phase Transformations and Constitution of the Earth's Mantle.
- Frontier Report on High-Pressure and High-Temperature Research in Geophysics.
- Pressure Effect on the Viscosity of Gases.
- 超高圧力研究におけるパワーレーザーと高輝度コヒーレント光源の融合
- Historical Review of HIP Technology and a Look at New Trends.
- 京コンピュータが拓く高圧力の物質科学
- Response of Escherichia Coli and Yeast to Pressure: Their behaviors under Nonlethal High Pressure Conditions.:Their behaviors under Nonlethal High Pressure Conditions
- Explosive Shock Synthesis and Characterization of a B-C-N Heterodiamond
- On the Application of Synchrotron to the Studies of Pressure Induced Phase Transition
- 高圧地球科学のフロンティア シーザー加熱DACを用いた高温高圧力実験と放射光実験の進歩
- タイトル無し
- 第54回高圧討論会の新潟開催について:にわか高圧力屋の独り言
- Measurements of the Density for n-Heptane for Pressures up to 100 MPa by Using a Vibrating-Wire Densimeter