日本高圧力学会 | 論文
- Role of water in the Earth and Planets.
- Application of Supercritical Fluids to Material Production and Processing.
- 氷の高圧物性
- パルス光加熱サーモリフレクタンス法を用いた高圧力下での下部マントル鉱物の格子熱伝導率測定 (特集 地球深部の動的物性と物質輸送)
- 高圧地球科学のフロンティア アルミニウムを含む下部マントル物質の鉱物化学
- On the Application of Synchrotron to the Studies of Pressure Induced Phase Transition. Moessbauer Spectroscopic Study.
- Ultrasonic Speeds in Liquids at High Pressures and Equation of State.
- 超高速衝突時のイジェクタサイズ分布
- New Conception oh High Pressure by Wave Functions.
- On the Application of Synchrotron to the Studies of Pressure Induced Phase Transition. Pressure-induced Amorphization of Silicates and Germanates.
- High Tc Superconductivity and High Pressure.
- Hot Isostatic Pressing of PZT and PLZT Ceramics.
- Synthesis of Diamond by Using Inorganic Compounds as the Catalyst.
- High Pressure Earth Science. Recent Studies on Ultrasonic Measurements under High Pressure and a New Analytical Methodology for Ultrasonic Velocity Data at Simultaneous High Pressure and High Temperature.
- Introduction to the High Pressure Enzyme Engineering.
- Feature Articles on Earth Science. Structure of Silicate Melts under High Pressure.
- リラクサー強誘電体におけるコヒーレントX線散乱実験の現状 (特集 コヒーレント放射光を利用した新しい高圧研究へ向けて)
- Development of Tungsten/Copper Gradient Material.
- A Tribute to the Memory of the Late Mr. Ozaki
- Whippleバンパーシールドの弾道限界曲線のメカニズムおよび破砕と相変化を伴う数値解析法