日本西洋古典学会 | 論文
- NUSSBAUM, M. C. & RORTY, A. O.(eds.), Essays on Aristotle's De Anima, Pp. viii+439, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992, £45.00.
- 質料としての生きている身体 : アリストテレス『デ・アニマ』における形相-質料理論
- 『蛙』の蛙についての一考察--「アゴーン」場面のディオニュソスとの関連で
- SEGAL, CHARLES, Pindar's Mythmaking. The Fourth Pythian Ode., Pp.xiii+208, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1986. / BRASWELL, BRUCE KARL, A Commentary on the Fourth Pythian Ode of Pindar. (Texte und Kommentare, Bd. 14.), Pp.xiv+448, Walt
- 書評 C. Damon, ed., Tacitus, Histories, Book 1
- CooK, J. M., The Greeks in Ionia and the East (Ancient Peoples and Places, Vol. 31), Pp. 268, London, Thames and Hudson, 1962
- Kiso, Akiko, The lost Sophocles., Pp.xii+161, Vantage Press, New York, 1984.
- GOLDHILL, SIMON, The Poet's Voice. Essays On Poetics And Greek Literature., Pp. xi+369. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991.
- WALBANK, F.W., The Decline of the Roman Empire in the West, Pp. xiii+97, London, Cobbett Press, 1946
- Magderain,Andre:Auctoritas Principis
- MAGDERAIN, Andre, Auctoritas Principis. Collection d'Etudes Latines, Serie Scientifique XXII, Pp. x+120, Societe d'Edition , 1947
- Wirszubski,Ch:Libertas as a political Idea at Rome during the Late Republic and Early Principate
- WIRSZUBSKI, Ch., Libertas as a Political Idea at Rome during the Late Republic and Early Principate, Pp. 182, London, Cambridge University Press, 1950, 15s. net
- BERANGER, Jean, Recherches sur l'aspect ideologique du principat. (Schweizerische Beitrage zur Altertumswissenschaft Heft 6), Basel, Reinhardt, 1953, Pp. 318
- DENIAUX, ELIZABETH, Clienteles et pouvoir a l'epoque de Ciceron (Collection de l'Ecole francaise de Rome 182)., Pp. x+628, Ecole francaise de Rome, Rome, 1993.
- 書評 H. Beck, Karriere und Hierarchie: Die romische Aristokratie und die Anfange des cursus honorum in der mittleren Republik
- 懐疑主義的態度の一貫性 : 反転(peritrope)批判に対する懐疑主義の抗弁
- 書評 Vivan Nutton, Ancient Medicine
- 書評 Malcolm Schofield, Plato. Political philosophy. Pp. 10+384, Oxford UP 2006,. £60.00
- ローマ帝政前期における下僚(apparitores)と都市社会 : オスティアの事例を中心に