日本暖地畜産学会 | 論文
- Influence Factors on the Carnitine Content in Beef
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- 体細胞クローン後代牛における分娩状況・飼料摂取量・発育・産肉性・血液性状調査による健全性の検討
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- Edaphic and Physiogarphic Optima Estimation for Several Rare Plant Species Conservation in Aso Grassland, Western Japan.
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- 高蛋白質給与による乳牛子牛の早期育成
- Effect of Adding Glucose and Fermented Juice of Lactic Acid Bacteria on the Quality of Sesbania (Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Poir.) Silages
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- Effects of Soybean Curd Residue Silage on the Growth Performance, Meat Quality, and Cecal Microbial Population in Finishing Pigs
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