四国英語教育学会 | 論文
- ライティング授業におけるフィードバックの研究
- Brazil's PALE and the Contrastive Teaching of Japanese Prosodic Features
- 牧野富太郎と明治前期の佐川村における英学
- 牧野富太郎が英和辞書の訳語に与えた影響--'Plum'の訳語を事例として (四国英学史関係)
- 明治最初期高知藩のお雇い外国人--William Henry Hozierの場合 (四国英学史関係)
- Conceptual preference modification in incipient Japanese-English bilingual children: the case of categorizing objects on the basis of SynThem and ParaTax relations
- The Evolution of Contrastive Rhetoric and a Suggested Pedagogic Approach
- EFLリーディングにおける連結詞と内容語の短期記憶についての研究
- A Preliminary Evaluation of Oral Communication B
- リスニング力と学習意欲の向上に貢献する教室活動 : 考慮すべき3つの心理的欲求
- Team-Teaching Relationships in Japanese English Classrooms : An Attitudinal Survey
- Effects of English learning on perception in Japanese learners of English: a pilot study
- A Psychological View of Peer Language Learning/Teaching to Foster Learner Autonomy
- The Effects of E-learning on the Enhancement of English Proficiency and the Autonomous Learning of English
- The Utility of a Functionalist Approach in Japanese Speakers' Acquisition of the Dative Alternation
- A study of verb frequencies in textbooks
- Government Policies for English Language Education in Japan, China, and South Korea at Junior High School Level: How are They Reflected in the Textbooks?
- A Survey on Communicative Classes in Secondary Schools
- Assessing the level gap in English ability for elementary school students: the first stage of an action research project
- 日本語訛り英語発音が中国人の英語聴解力に及ぼす影響 : ケーススタディー