中央大学英米文学会 | 論文
- 「自由と独立」の探求--「白鯨」について
- 「ある婦人の肖像」覚え書き
- 北米植民地とキリスト教帝国主義
- ジョン・ブラウンとメルヴィル後期(1)
- ジョン・ブラウンとメルヴィル後期(2)
- Creating Intellectual Challenge for University EFL Students: Incorporating Critical Thinking into Intermediate Speaking and Listening Classes
- A Farewell to Proffessor Freeman
- The First Romantic--William Temple
- Pope and Anti-Pope:Atticus
- Art for Art's Sake: Germany and France
- Art for Art's Sake: France and Germany
- Art for Art's sake: Japan and England
- Art for art's sake: Japan and France
- Structure and Theme in Scott′s"The Heart of Midlothian"
- Byron's Eastern Tales
- Byron′s Childe Harold:Canto 3
- E.Dowsonの短篇小説--その実験的価値と限界
- A Phonetic Study on Animal Sounds and Their Linguistic Representations
- Creating Web Sites in a University English Class