一般社団法人 軽金属学会 | 論文
- 2017アルミニウム合金突合せ摩擦シーム接合継手の組織と機械的性質
- Metallography of aluminum and it's alloys solidified under high hydrostatic pressure
- Study on grinding alusil (2nd Report):Surface grinding of alusil
- Effect of homogenization conditions on recrystallized structure in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys containing chromium.
- Light metals for nuclear engineering
- Study on causes of hydrogen inclusion in aluminium using deuterium as tracer
- Study on zirconium alloys (2 nd Report):Mechanical properties of binary and some ternary alloys
- 急冷凝固フレークと切削粉のボールミリング処理によるAl‐Si基合金P/M材の高強度化
- Structure and decomposition of Al-Fe-Ce alloys rapidly quenched from the liquid state.
- The structure of barrier anodic films formed on aluminum covered with a layer of hydrous oxide.
- Influence of thermal oxide layer on the growth and structure of barrier anodic films on aluminum.
- アルミニウム溶湯用フィルタとしてのほう酸アルミニウムで被覆したアルミナの適性評価
- Al‐Si‐Cu‐Mg合金鋳物の疲労特性に及ぼす鋳造欠陥とFe系化合物の影響
- Some effects of small amounts of Be on Al-10%Mg alloys
- 7000系高力アルミニウム合金の過時効処理における分散相上の不均一析出
- Al‐1.0%Mg2Si‐0.34%Si合金の粒界近傍における局部変形に対する時効時間の影響
- Microstructures of rapidly solidified aluminum alloys
- 不燃性常温型溶融塩電解液を用いるロッキングチェア型リチウム二次電池のLi‐Al負極特性
- Meniscus shape control of molten pure aluminum by electromagnetic force.
- Treatment of red mud with sulfurous acid