宇宙X線背景放射と隠された活動銀河中心核 : 「あすか」衛星によるサーベイから得られた結果を中心として
太田 耕司
Department Of Astronomy Kyoto University
太田 耕司
上田 佳宏
上田 佳宏
上田 佳宏
秋山 正幸
Omata Koji
Subaru Telescope National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Okita K
Okayama Astrophysical Observatory Naoj
Omata Koji
Department Of Astronomy Kyoto University
Oka Keiko
Department Of Mathematical And Physical Science Japan Women's University
上田 佳宏
- 23aBL-5 巨大ブラックホールと銀河の共進化(23aBL 宇宙線・宇宙物理領域シンポジウム:次期宇宙X線衛星ASTRO-Hで拓く宇宙物理,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- No Evidence for Variability of Intervening Absorption Lines toward GRB 060206 : Implications for the Mg II Incidence Problem
- The SUBARU Deep Field Project : Lyman α Emitters at a Redshift of 6.6
- 銀河の進化とブラックホールの成長
- 28pSH-4 国際宇宙ステーション全天X線監視装置(MAXI)の解析ソフトウエアとデータ処理システム(28pSH X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 29aSL-13 超高角度分解能 X 線望遠鏡の開発研究 2
- 29aSL-12 超高角度分解能 X 線望遠鏡の開発研究 : 反射鏡の形状測定と形状制御
- Optical and Near-Infrared Photometric Observation during the Superoutburst of the WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova, V455 Andromedae
- 25pSD-3 「あすか」が観測したブラックホール候補天体について
- 2p-J-6 トランジェント・ジェット天体近傍の空間
- 「あすか」による宇宙X線背景放射の研究
- 23a-J-7 Lockman Holeでの「あすか」による点源検出および、ROSATを持ちいた天体同定
- 23a-J-5 ジェット天体GRS 1915+105のあすか観測
- 23a-J-4 ブラックホール候補Cygnus X-1およびGRS1009-45の「あすか」による観測
- 23a-J-2 ASCAによるGRO J1744-28の解析報告
- 23a-J-1 γ線バーストafterglowの観測
- 宇宙背景X線放射(CXB) : 特に「あすか」による最新の結果(宇宙の階層構造,研究会報告)
- 27p-SC-4 『あすか』衛星搭載GIS検出器の軌道上バックグラウンド特性
- 31p-YH-2 「あすか」によるX線新星GRO J1655-40の観測
- 1a-J-12 あすか衛星によるSerendipitous Source SurveyとCXB(II)
- 1a-J-11 あすか衛星によるSerendipitous Source SurveyとCXB(I)
- 29a-YW-2 「あすか」に搭載されたGIS検出器の性能
- 4a-G-13 ASTRO-D衛星搭載用GISの開発II
- 4a-G-12 ASTRO-D衛星搭載用GISの開発I
- The Subaru Deep Field : The Optical Imaging Data
- New Corroborative Evidence for the Overdensity of Galaxies around the Radio-Loud Quasar SDSS J0836 + 0054 at z = 5.8
- Lyα Emitters at z = 5.7 in the Subaru Deep Field
- Strong Emission-Line Galaxies at Low Redshifts in the Field around the Quasar SDSSp J104433.04-012502.2
- A Survey of NB921 Dropouts in the Subaru Deep Field
- The Discovery of Two Lyman α Emitters beyond Redshift 6 in the Subaru Deep Field
- Decomposition of the Superwind in M 82
- 天球儀 天体色彩学を用いたサイエンスデザイン
- Simulation of the IRIS Far-infared Survey : A Guide for Infrared Galaxy Number Counts
- Optical Number Count Estimation of IRIS Far-Infrared Survey of Galaxies
- Current Performance and On-Going Improvements of the 8.2m Subaru Telescope
- Infrared Imaging of the Gravitational Lens PG 1115+080 with the Subaru Telescope
- Subaru First-Loght Deep Photometry of Galaxies in A 851 Field
- The First Light of the Subaru Telescope:A New Infrared Image of the Orion Nebula
- X線背景放射の起源と活動銀河核の宇宙論的進化の解明
- Panoramic Views of Cluster-Scale Assemblies Explored by Subaru Wide-Field Imaging
- Dusty ERO Search behind Two Massive Clusters
- Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry of Nova V2362 Cyg : Rebrightening Event and Dust Formation
- Anti-Correlation of Near-Infrared and X-Ray Variations of the Microquasar GRS 1915+105 in the Soft State
- The 2006 November Outburst of EG Aquarii : the SU UMa Nature Revealed
- Discovery of a WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova, SDSS J102146.44+234926.3 : Unprecedented Infrared Activity during a Rebrightening Phase
- Multi-Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS) for the Subaru Telescope : I. Imaging
- Subaru/MOIRCS Near-Infrared Imaging in the Proto-Cluster Region at z = 3.1
- MOIRCS Deep Survey. II : Clustering Properties of K-Band Selected Galaxies in GOODS-North Region
- MOIRCS Deep Survey. I : DRG Number Counts
- Implications for Cosmic Reionization from the Optical Afterglow Spectrum of the Gamma-Ray Burst 050904 at z = 6.3
- Chandra Observations and Optical Identification of Hard X-Ray Sources Discovered with ASCA
- A Search for CO (J = 3-2) Emission from the Host Galaxy of GRB 980425 with the Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment
- 大面積X線CCD衛星構想--小型衛星将来計画 (第2回宇宙科学シンポジウム)
- High Dispersion Spectrograph (HDS) for the Subaru Telescope
- 宇宙X線背景放射と隠された活動銀河中心核 : 「あすか」衛星によるサーベイから得られた結果を中心として
- SuprimeCam Observation of Sporadic Meteors during Perseids 2004
- 大面積X線CCD衛星
- CO(J=2-1)Observations of the Quasar BR 1202-0725 at z=4.7
- Nobeyama Millimeter Array Observations of GRB 030329 : a Decay of Afterglow with Bumps and Molecular Gas in the Host Galaxy
- Search for CO Emission from the Gravitational-Lens System MG 0414+0534 and Its Lensing Galaxy
- CO (J=6-5) Observations of the Quasar SDSS 1044-0125 at z=5.8
- NIR Narrow- and Broad-Band Study of the SSA 22 Field
- [O_]λ3727 Emission from the Companion to the Quasar BR 1202-0725 at z=4.7
- High-Resolution Near-Infrared Imagine of the Powerful Radio Galaxy 3C 324 at z = 1.21 with the Subaru Telescope
- FOCAS : The Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph for the Subaru Telescope
- Metallic Abundances in the Planet-Harboring G-Type Star HD 38529
- Lyman Break Galaxies at z - 5 : Rest-Frame UV Spectra. II
- CO Observations of a FeLoBAL Quasar with an Hα Absorption Line at z=2.3
- Cosmological Evolution of the Hard X-Ray AGN Luminosity Function : Formation History of Supermassive Black Holes(Session 6 : Formation and Evolution of Black Holes)
- Lyman Break Galaxies at z - 5 : Luminosity Function
- IAU総会来る! おいでやす京都へ -早割り登録〆切迫る-
- High Redshift銀河での星形成(銀河の形成,研究会報告)
- Spectropolarimetric Study on Circumstellar Structure of Microquasar LS I + 61°303
- Chemical Composition of Carbon-Rich, Very Metal-Poor Subgiant LP 625-44 Observed with the Subaru/HDS
- EUREKA すばる望遠鏡 謎のダークガンマ線バーストの正体に迫る
- Deep-Imaging Observations of a Candidate of an Absorbed QSO at z=0.653, AX J131831+3341
- CO(J=3-2) Observations of MS 1512-cB58 at z=2.72
- Absorption-Layer Model for Edge-on Galaxies
- An Abundance Study in the Hg-Mn Star 46 Aquilae (HD 186122) with the SUBARU/HDS^1
- 銀河の星形成史 : ライマンブレイク銀河の観測から
- みえてきた銀河形成の時代
- Spitzer Space Telescope Constraint on the Stellar Mass of a z=6.96 Lyα Emitter
- Fibre Multi-Object Spectrograph (FMOS) for the Subaru Telescope
- The Complex H-Alpha Velocity Field of NGC 1569
- H-Alpha Velocity Fields of Giant H2 Regions in Four Nearby Dwarf Irregular Galaxies
- すばる望遠鏡 謎のダークガンマ線バーストの正体に迫る
- Molecular Cloud Complexes in the Magellanic Irregular Galaxy NGC 4449
- 「第7回観測天文学ソフトウエア開発シンポジウム」報告
- MOIRCS Deep Survey. VII. NIR Morphologies of Star-Forming Galaxies at Redshift z〜1
- Grisms Developed for FOCAS
- MOIRCS Deep Survey. IX. Deep Near-Infrared Imaging Data and Source Catalog
- CO Clouds in the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy IC10
- Galaxy mergingのobservational aspect(観測的宇宙論における諸問題,研究会報告)
- 銀河の進化と形成(2)
- 銀河と進化と形成(1)
- 宇宙論的遠方銀河の探査
- FIBRE-Pac : FMOS Image-Based Reduction Package
- NIR Spectroscopy of Star-Forming Galaxies at z-1.4 with Subaru/FMOS : The Mass-Metallicity Relation
- 16aRA-3 超高角度分解能X線望遠鏡の開発研究 I(X線,宇宙線)
- 15aRA-5 銀河系内ジェット天体(マイクロクエーサー)からのX線放射(1)(X線,宇宙線)