Microcrystalline Silicon Carbide p-Layer with Wide-Bandgap and Its Application to Single- and Triple-Junction Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells (Special Issue : Photovoltaic Science and Engineering)
Lee Heon-Min
Emerging Technology Laboratory, LG Electronics Advanced Research Institute, Seoul 137-724, Korea
Kim Soohyun
Emerging Technology Laboratory, LG Electronics Advanced Research Institute, Seoul 137-724, Korea
Park Jinhee
Emerging Technology Laboratory, LG Electronics Advanced Research Institute, Seoul 137-724, Korea
Lee Hongchul
Emerging Technology Laboratory, LG Electronics Advanced Research Institute, Seoul 137-724, Korea
Lee Hyun
Emerging Technology Laboratory, LG Electronics Advanced Research Institute, Seoul 137-724, Korea
Ahn Seh-Won
Emerging Technology Laboratory, LG Electronics Advanced Research Institute, Seoul 137-724, Korea
- Microcrystalline Silicon Carbide p-Layer with Wide-Bandgap and Its Application to Single- and Triple-Junction Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells (Special Issue : Photovoltaic Science and Engineering)
- Surface Modification of High Haze Front Transparent Conductive Oxide for Silicon Thin Film Solar Cell