- 論文の詳細を見る
The objective of this study was to clarify the factors affecting academic ability and views of learning in arithmetic and math lessons. Question items were compiled on the basis of the results of interviews with university students and between July 2008 and December 2009, 576 students from three universities were asked to complete a written questionnaire. After excluding data with missing values, the number of samples was taken to be 485, and these were analyzed by means of covariance structure analysis.Results showed that where arithmetic and math lessons were concerned, providing “lessons suited to children,” would increase the “desire to learn” and “learning ability” and “views of learning” would also be affected. In addition, a strong correlation was found between “creative arrangement of teaching materials” and “lessons suited to children” and this also influenced “views of learning.” The big difference between arithmetic and math lessons was that in arithmetic “learning together” was shown to be the construct concept whereas this was not shown to be the case in math.本研究の目的は、算数・数学の授業における学力及び学習観に影響を及ぼす要因について明らかにすることである。大学生への面接調査の結果をもとに質問項目を作成し、2008年7月~2009年12月に3大学576名の大学生を対象として質問紙調査を実施した。欠損値のあるデータを除きサンプル数を485として、共分散構造分析によるパス解析を行った。その結果、算数や数学の授業において、「児童生徒に合った授業」をすることで「学習意欲」が高まり、「学力」や「学習観」に影響を及ぼすことが示された。また、「教材の工夫」は、「児童生徒に合った授業」との相関が高く、「学習観」にも影響することがわかった。算数と数学の授業との大きな違いは、算数では「学び合い」が構成概念として示されたが、数学では示されなかったことである。
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