斜め衝突帯の巨大地震(1)相模トラフ (池田隆司教授記念号)
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Since the 2011 Tohoku-oki megathrust earthquake, Japan, it has been recognized that thereis a variety of megathrust earthquakes occurring in the world not just only the Chilean typemegathrust earthquake. In the variation, one end member is the 1960 Chile earthquake and theother is the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, while the former is characterized by subductionzone of a young plate forming the Cordilleran orogeny, the latter is by an obliquely subductingplate along a continental margin with active back-arc activity. We study in detail megathrustearthquakes along such oblique subduction zones, considering characteristics of earthquakeactivities, focal mechanisms, rupture patterns, geometry of subduction zones, types of overridingplates and back-arc activities. Discussions are further made on one of the oblique subduction zonesnear Japan Islands, the Sagami Trough, in order to derive some information and the possibilityof future large earthquakes there from the seismological data at hand. We found that there isa variety of large earthquakes in the oblique subduction zones in the world. Since we have nohand to suspect the future activity of a particular subduction zone, comparative studies on seismicactivities in different oblique subduction zones are inevitable.
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- 斜め衝突帯の巨大地震(1)相模トラフ (池田隆司教授記念号)