都道府県別に見た世帯所得の分布と平均寿命の変化 : 地域の所得格差は健康を損なうか
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There is concern being voiced in Japan about the growing inequality of income distribution in thepast two decades. This study aimed to elucidate trends in socioeconomic and health inequalities.Some of large variations in income distribution can be explained by changes in the economy and thedemography: the deepening of the recent recession, the rapidly aging population and the decline ofaverage family size. From the view point of regional sciences as geography, it is important todistinguish the inter-regional inequality and the intra-regional inequality. On the other hand insocial epidemiology, a large number of studies have demonstrated health inequalities attributable tosocioeconomic conditions including income. Is the degree of income inequalities in society closelylinked to the health of the population? Association of life expectancy at birth (LEB) with adjustinghousehold incomes by equivalence scales was examined using data on prefectures in Japan of 1995to 2005 via Pearson's correlation and OLS regression. Although inter-regional inequality of medianincome level decreased, intra-regional inequality measured by inter-quartile range increased from1993 to 2003. There is a gender difference in correlation coefficient between health indicators andincome inequalities. In case of male positive correlations were found between LEB andinter-regional inequality (absolute income hypothesis), and negative correlation between LEB andintra-regional inequality (relative income hypothesis). The both association increased from 1995 to2005. Careful monitoring of socioeconomic and health inequalities should be encouraged.
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