TAT物語にみられる対人不安の表れ方の特徴について : 自己肯定意識との関連から
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of psychologicalprojective method TAT (Thematic apperception test) as an assessment tooldetecting interpersonal anxiety and affirmative self-consciousness onundergraduate students.On the first study, subjects’ narratives to all of TAT cards were analyzed incriteria of evoking high anxiety response and self-affirmatives. Eleven ofTAT cards were selected as stimulus cards projecting anxiety andself-affirmative. Subjects responded to an interpersonal-anxietyquestionnaire and a self-affirmative questionnaire, and they were asked tomake narratives of selected eleven of TAT cards.The result showed that subjects with high interpersonal-anxiety gavenarratives of conflicting or keeping a positive interrelationship with others.On the other hand, subjects with high self-affirmative gave narratives ofhaving a positive interrelationship or expressing a positive expectation totheir future.For the next study, five of eleven cards were selected in criteria ofprojecting high self-anxiety and self-affirmative; cards 1, 2, 9GF, 13B and 14were selected.On the second study, post-TAT questionnaire items were created forfeedback to subject’s self-understanding of anxiety or affirmative. And theresponses of post-TAT questionnaire items were examined. Result showedthat subjects with high-anxiety were sensitive to expression of gazing.Through responding to post-TAT questionnaire items, subjects noticed newaspect of interpersonal relationship and their self-recognition as a result.
- 徳島大学総合科学部の論文
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- TAT物語にみられる対人不安の表れ方の特徴について : 自己肯定意識との関連から
- TAT物語にみられる対人不安の表れ方の特徴について : 自己肯定意識との関連から