中国の小学校におけるごみの分別行動に関する教育実践の評価 : 瀋陽市における調査より
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I conducted a questionnaire survey targeting students and teachers in Shenyang City, on waste education at elementary schools in China, in particular on the present state and issues of classes related to waste sorting. The results clarified the following: both students and teachers of elementary schools in Shenyang city are interested in waste sorting, but they do not have many classes and other learning opportunities, and they lack waste sorting abilities. The Chinese government presented a policy aimed to respond to waste problems through diffusion of waste sorting. However, the present state of waste sorting in the education field and general citizens’ daily living was found to be far from the government’s policy. The survey in this report was conducted in Shenyang city, but this issue is considered common throughout China.
- 長崎大学 環境科学部,Faculty of Environmental Studies, Nagasaki Universityの論文
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