墓葬繪畫與淨土信仰 : 五、六世紀墓葬繪畫的比較研究
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中国仏教は北貌時代から大きく発展した。本稿の目的は,考古学的立場から, 5, 6世紀の東アジアにおける浄土信仰の存在を証明することにある。具体的には高句麗の壁画古墳である,吉林省集安市長川1号古墳と北貌の古墳である,山西省大岡市智家壁古墳の「拍板画」(木棺の外聞に描いた彩画)を取り挙げて比較した。その結果,高句腿では遅くとも5世紀末, 6世紀初頭には浄土信仰があり,この信仰は既に平城期の北説にも存在することを確認し,高句麗は北鶴の影響を受けながらも独自の宗教文化を持っていたと考える。 Chinese Buddhism flourished both culturally and religiously after the Beiwei dynasty (Northern Wei period). In this paper, archeological findings and an examination of the paintings of ancient tombs in Gaogouli and Beiwei are used as the basis for a discussion of the spread of the Pure Land Faith in East Asia in the 5th and 61h century. The excavated remains of the Changchuan ancient tomb site #1 in Jilin State (Gaogouli era) and a similar sile in Zhijiabao (Beiwei era) were selected for close analysis and the details of the remains of Guanbanhua found at the two sites were compared. These investigations reveal evidence that the Pure Land Faith already existed in the early Beiwei dynasty when its capital was at Pingcheng and that in Gaogouli, il had spread among the people by the late 51h or early 61h century at the latest. Heavily influenced by the Beiwei Pure Land Faith,this article suggests that the Gaogouli Pure Land Faith also developed a distinctive religious culture.
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