- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to examine the dimensional structure which forms image of atomic bomb. We clarified how prosocial behaviors effect the image against atomic bomb. Participants (N=71; university students) were completed two questionnaires: developed scale on the image of atomic bomb and prosocial behavior scale. The findings were as following. The dimensional structure of the image against atomic bomb consists of four aspects, "potency", "feeling", "harm", and "cruel". In addition, we examined effects of the prosocial behaviors to form image of atomic bomb. We clarified how the prosocial behaviors effect forming each image against atomic bomb. We found that statistical significance between students with high level of prosocial behavior and students with low levels of prosocial behavior in terms of potency and feeling. There were no statistical significance between two groups in terms of harm and cruel. On the basis of the results of this study, we discussed the problems of the future of the peace education.
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