Hyperbolic deformation applied to S = 1 spin chains: scaling relation in excitation energy
- Scaling Relation for Excitation Energy under Hyperbolic Deformation(General and Mathematical Physics)
- Anomalous Magnetoresistance in a Spin-Fermion Model with Quantum Fluctuation(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Hyperbolic deformation applied to S = 1 spin chains: scaling relation in excitation energy
- A Complete Set of Spin 1/2 Functions by Young's Diagrams
- Recent Development of Multireference Density Functional Theory
- High-Spin States in the Hubbard Model : Generalized Hund's Coupling and a Crossover to Strong U Regime
- Two-Site Shift Product Wave Function Renormalization Group Method Applied to Quantum Systems(General)