- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper attempts to clarify the lives of people that socially were becomingindividualized by reviewing theories of G. H. Mead and E. H. Erikson of the relationshipbetween individual and society. They were organizing their own lives rather than adaptingthem to their life course provided by society. The theories of Mead and Erikson, thoughthey had been proposed in the early 20th century, were still eff ective to consider their ownlives to be organized. Because of this, it was valuable to review and consider these theories.As a result, I found that the relationship between self and community could be locatedin the relationship between individual and society by reviewing Mead’s interactionalsocial psychology, Erikson’s identity theory, and Mead’s social theory of practice. In thismediation, individuals’ selves were constructed in the communities and those communitiesconsisting of society were also reconstructed by people’s involvement.
- 【授業報告】ドナルド・A・ショーン著『省察的実践とは何か - プロフェッショナルの行為と思考』(柳沢昌一・三輪建二監訳, 鳳書房, 2007)を共同で読む
- 3.エリクソンにおけるアイデンティティ概念関連の検討 : 1960年代以降の日本社会における青年文化論・若者文化論を背景として(II-6部会 教育の戦後,研究発表II)
- 自己とコミュニティの関係についての社会学的考察--G.H.ミードとE.H.エリクソンの再読を通じて
- アメリカ訪問調査 (〈5〉国際連携)
- サービス・ラーニングにおける市民的責任感の涵養とその規定要因の検討
- 学生の学習ダイナミクスの研究枠組み
- 「自己の構築」の再検討