- 2. 海棲細菌の溶菌現象について(第523回千葉医学会例会 第5回衛生関連学会)
- 海水沿場の大腸菌群細菌汚染について(第2報)
- 海水浴場の大腸菌群細菌汚染について(第1報)
- Enzymic Oxidation of Ethanolamine by Beef Serum.
- Studies on Polyamines. I. A New Fluorometric Determination of Spermine and Spermidine.
- Improvement on the Colorimetric Determination of Choline with Iodine.
- Studies on the Determination of Serine and 2-Aminoethanol in Phospholipid.
- Effect of Amino Alcohols and their Phosphoryl Compounds on the Growth of Experimentally Transplantable Cancer.
- マウスEhrlich固型ガンの増殖ならびにHydrochloromethiazide系化合物の抗ガン性におよぼす生理食塩水とRinger-Phosphate-Bicarbonate溶液の影響
- Determination of Threonine in Lipid of Animal Brain.
- Effect of Amino Acids on the Growth of Ehrlich Tumor Cell. I. Inhibitory Action of D-Threonine and D-Lysine on the Growth of Ehrlich Solid Tumor.
- Effect of Some Polymethylenepolyamines on the Growth of Transplantable Cancer
- β-Hydroxyglutamic Acid Decarboxylase in Escherichia coli.
- Effect of Biogenic Amines on Yeast Carboxylase.
- 75.Eremothecium ashbyiiの増殖ならびにB_2生産能に及ぼすアミンの影響(I)(第6回日本ビタミン学会研究発表要旨)
- Ethanolamine Deaminase in Proteus morganii
- Degradation Pathway of Ethanolamine in Proteus morganii.
- Effect of Volatile Amines on the Colorimetric Determination of Ammonia.
- 放線状菌の抗生物質の研究〔第5報〕-チーアミノナフタリンスルホン酸誘導体の日本脳炎ヴイルスに対する作用日本薬学会例会講演要旨-
- 腐敗毒の研究-3・4-