The estimation of the value of the curvature of photographic space
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特集 : 小嶋祥三君退職記念投稿論文In the present study, a method to estimate the value of the curvature of photographic space was presented. In photographic space, a visual triangle was made and the configuration of points of the visual triangle was mapped to physical space and the values of the curvature K and σ (the degree of depth perception) were estimated by using Luneburg's mapping functions. As the result, it was found that photographic space was hyperbolic and the absolute value of the curvature K and the value of σ of photographic space were smaller than those of visual space. The value of K showed that photographic space was closer to Euclidean space than visual space and the value of σ showed that photographic space was narrower space than visual space. The discovery of the method to estimate the value of the curvature of photographic space made us to compare various spaces quantitatively.
- 三田哲學會の論文
三田哲學會 | 論文
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- The estimation of the value of the curvature of photographic space
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