Reverse hierarcy in vision
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特集 : 小嶋祥三君退職記念投稿論文Recently, a model termed Reverse Hierarchy Theory (RHT) offers a new perspective on human visual perception, where global and local information are assumed to be processed, respectively, by feed-forward and feedback systems. (Ahissar Hochstein, 2000; see also Hochstein Ahissar, 2002). We examined a temporal dissociation between global and local feature to assess the role of feedback connections as proposed in RHT in Experiment 1. Next, we investigated the brain responses that might reflect the feedback processing during the recognition of various contours of faces using electroencephalography in Experiment 2.
- 三田哲學會の論文
三田哲學會 | 論文
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- Reverse hierarcy in vision